Commemorating Professor Kurt Lange is the primary objective of this award, which is represented by the medal’s naming and organizational details. Above all, the Kurt-Lange Medal is of sentimental value. The awardee is presented with a certificate displaying and honoring his achievement and a medal made of silver, financed by the AGU members.

Details of the award
In 2012, the German Metal Forming Association (AGU) awarded the Kurt-Lange Medal for the first time in remembrance of the great nestor of forming technology who died in 2009. The prize is awarded to persons who have carried out essential investigations on forming technology fundamentals in Germany, thus having significantly.extended the basic knowledge of forming technology. Therefore, the achievement to be awarded is expected to be method-oriented with results being transferable to a broader spectrum of products and processes. There are no limitations regarding age, origin, and current occupation of the proposed candidates. This is also valid for the time having past since the achievement was made. AGU members are not excluded from being awarded.

All AGU members are entitled to submit a proposal, except for themselves. The proposal needs to include a short description of the cadidate’s career and a description of the scientific achievement to be honored, stating reasons why this candidate and his achievement siginificantly differ from other possible candidates. Members of the selection committee are asked not to hand in proposals. Proposals are to be addressed to the Chairman of the selection committee (AGU Chairman, by virtue of his office). The AGU selection committee will examine the proposals received and propose a cadidate to the members to be put to the vote.


2023 Prof. Hartmut Hoffmann

2019 Prof. Manfred Geiger

2018 Prof. Reiner Kopp

2014 Prof. Oskar Pawelski

2013 Prof. Wolfgang Voelkner

2012 Prof. Karl Roll